Christian Nationalism?

Christian Nationalism, what is it and is it a threat to freedom? I want to first say that I had not heard the term Christian Nationalism until the 2020 election was questioned. Then a reporter for Politico claimed during an MSNBC panel that believing rights come from God is a marker of "Christian Nationalism."

The secularists are at war with Christianity and they are trying to apply labels to scare the public and turn them away from biblical Christianity which they want to paint as a fringe movement with extreme ideology.

So, what is Christian Nationalism? Well, a Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ, and Nationalism according to Websters dictionary is : loyalty and devotion to a nation,

especially : a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations. (italics mine)

Politics is the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy.

So, as a follower of Jesus Christ who is above all and Lord of all, I am also loyal to The United States of America and devoted to her as an American. I want to have a voice in the guidance and governmental policies of our nation.

As Os Guinness has stated, “When the Pilgrims came to the New World, they were not simply escaping from religious coercion. They were looking to establish a society that reflected their ideals, their vision of a righteous and just society. Their view reflects the understanding of freedom found in Christian theology. When the New Testament author Paul says that ‘it is for liberty that Christ has made you free’ (Galatians 5:1), he is not talking primarily about escape from the rules and regulations of the Jewish law, or even the penalty of sin. He is describing the power to live effectively as a truly good and righteous person.”1

Judeo-Christian values underpin American politics, law and morals; that is her foundation. The main stream media, Hollywood, the arts and democrat politicians use the term “Christian Nationalist” as a scare tactic, trying to paint followers of Jesus who are involved in the civics of our country as terrorists and extremists who will kill non-believers and take away Americans’ rights. They want to portray Christians as white supremacist bigots who want everyone to be forced to become Christians and they say people of color will be enslaved and women will lose their rights; This is their game plan to eradicate Christianity from our nation.

We have hospitals because of Christianity. We have Universities because of Christianity. Slavery was abolished because of Christianity. Women’s rights were secured because of Christianity. Yet our schools don’t teach this and our history books have redacted this and all other influences that Christianity has had, including our nation’s constitution which was written with the guidance of the Holy Bible.

America was not a secular nation. The term secular nation is something new. Secularism has no absolute truth and no absolute morality and leads to absolute chaos and anarchy.

Every country I read about in my geography class told of that country’s religion. None were listed as secular, and by the way, America was listed as Christian.

With the increase of those who have come to this country with no intention of assimilation, bringing their religious practices to our Judeo-Christian nation, and more importantly, working to silence how the Christian foundation of our nation speaks, we now have a pluralism in our citizenry which has brought the foundation of America under siege.

The fabric of America is Christian, and that is what has driven our freedom. The Bible was taught in our public schools; it was read at the dining table at night; it shaped our laws and our liberty and millions came for it from all over the world. It was the Christian God that was looked to for our laws and way of life. People left tyrannical governments and Caste systems to come to America. Marxist radicals now are trying to eradicate the very fabric that inspired people for over two hundred years and gave others hope of one day coming here and becoming an American citizen.

Our loyalty is in Christ; His word influences our lives, gives us our worldview, and our moral law. The Christian brings this worldview and morals to the debate that influences our governing laws. I don’t have a Bible with the Constitution and Bill of Rights in it as God’s word stands alone and is higher than any document on earth, but I do live with a biblical worldview that governs my voting preferences and which laws I fight for, and against.

The success of those who label conservative political Christians as Christian Nationalists will be such that the laws and morals of our nation will then be made by secularists who have no regard for the Christian principles upon which our current freedom rests. Romans chapter one tells us how that turns out.

Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in 1863 of America when he visited, “Upon my arrival in the United States the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the more I perceived the great political consequences resulting from this new state of things. In France, I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country.” He went on to say, “Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

This, today, is what the left calls Christian Nationalism. The shamefulness of their accusations against a good and Godly nation are despicable. They are taking the good and smearing it—misrepresenting it—with ungodly ideals such as white supremacy, the elimination of women’s rights (which they wickedly meld with the right to have an abortion), and calling it religious oppression, which ironically is exactly that from which our founders fled! Our founders came to establish freedom to live and worship as they chose, and today, using the label of Christian Nationalism, these usurpers are tearing down the very idea of the freedom which undergirds their efforts to attack it. This is a smear campaign. Pure and simple.

  1. Last Call for Liberty Os Guinness


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